Thanks to Mary, otherwise I wouldn't have thought about eating snow.
I didn't leave any container to collect the snow during the storm last night. Mike said I could scoop the snow on top of our car. Looks the same as the shaved ice that is used for ice kacang/cendol!
I used the left-over bellies syrup Mike made for the panckes. It tasted good on the 2 bowls of snow! Next time no scooping. Hopefully the wind wouldn't blow away the bowl!
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
I remembered to leave a bowl at the verandah during last night blizzard. It would have been filled if I had left it on top of the car but I don't have snow boots to walk to get it. This time, I ate the snow (topped with a little condensed milk). This is better than shaved ice!
Wednesday, 9 February 2011
This is all I got from the storm last night. Next time!