Monday, June 7, 2010

What I love about Spring is the Flowers

Monday, 7 June 2010

What I like about Spring time is the flowers. I love flowers. They are beautiful!

There was the trees of purple flowers, that I kept telling Mike that I wanted to take picture of but didn't. Hours passed, then days, weeks, months and they are gone! Thank goodness, Spring will come again! The temperature is now in the 90's F and the flowers are going!

These pictures were taken on the 3 May at a friend's place.

These were taken outside our home on the 31 May.

These pictures were taken on the 2 June at a neighbor's place.

And last, but not least, the flowers outside the post office on the 2 June. The flower petals were dropping.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

the beauty of seasons.. makes you appreciate the flowers more..